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Friday, 5 December 2014

This is my mind map, it was created for me to understand and break down microteaching.

 As part of the PCET course we were asked to prepare a microteaching session on a subject of our choice, for this I chose the subject of microteaching. A daring topic I know, but I felt to truly understand why we should be using this technique, I must teach it. When teaching a subject, only then do I fully start to understand it.

It is one thing researching a subject to the bitter end, but only when I teach a subject does it begin to make sense. As a result of this the above mind map was created for me to break it down and find out why we microteach. What is the point?

What I have come to understand is that microteaching is an essential tool, which should be used throughout all departments within all educational establishments. Not only is it a great aid to build confidence in new teachers, but can be a great way for departments to gauge the levels of teaching within it; where they can learn from each other’s practice; see how their own practice is received and even improve the curriculum (in their department) through their findings.

This could also potentially work in the business world; where departments could create a microteach about the job they do, and to create an activity to show a typical procedure that would be undertaken. This then could be delivered to higher management who would either; have an understanding and would help to evaluate and accredit them, or acquire an awareness of the quality of work their staff are achieving.

To sum up, this technique has the capacity to allow us to grow within our chosen vocations as a whole; learn together and from one another. It is given us the ability to improve what we do for the better and as a unit; depicted what is best practice from the bottom up.

 Learning is a dynamic process during which individuals make internal adjustments individually and developing the necessary skills. Thus, to enhance the effectiveness of learning, the learning itself should be a starting point and other concept, such as instruction and curriculum or teaching techniques, should be built on it. (Prof., 2010, p.79)

Works Cited

Prof., A.K., 2010. Learner-centered Micro Teaching in Teacher Education. International Journal of Instruction, 3(1), pp.77-100.

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