It is really difficult to say a particular blog that I have found
useful in the development of my practice, but I have found a few that have definitely
aided this. What I enjoy most about finding these blogs is that there is so much
I have yet to discover and through the journeys of others; others whom I know very
little about, I can improve my own practice.
The first blog I will introduce you to will be Vicky Davis –
who is an award winner teacher, her blog is called ‘The Cool Cat Teacher.’ This
is packed full of all sorts of ideas such as ‘app smashing’ to ‘the school
teacher that help Charles Schulz see the light,’ very useful for new ways of engaging
Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners created by Susan
Oxnevad – this blog has an array of technologies and tips on keeping up with
the times. The great thing about this blog with every article there are recommendations
to other articles that are link in subject matter; very interesting with fresh
Education in Technology and Mobile Learning this blog has a wealthy
resource of educational web tools and mobile apps for facilitators to take
advantage of. Contain all sort of knowledge about google drive, educational
technology resources, books, teacher guides and much more. Recent up-to-date
research and incredibly hand information; a well recommended read.
‘Free Technology for Teachers’ by Richard Bryne – Another blog
just full of really useful material. Harbouring tips on subject content, great
ideas to form parental involvement, great links to other good sources of
information, handy tool, techniques, etc.
This is a great blog to visit.
Grind Jumper’s
blog is a collaborative blog and predominately contains information about 3D application
within teaching and learning. They have some great programme recommendations
and I particularly like the article ‘Immerse into Mobile Games for Fitness,’
the concept of ‘walking meetings’ intrigues me.
So here are my
recommended blogs; I am certain there are many more out there, it is just
finding the time to read them all. Is that even possible?
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